
本课题组徐贝贝同学在The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters发表文章

发布日期: 2020-04-30   作者:   浏览次数: 495

徐贝贝同学于The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters期刊发表文章

本实验室徐贝贝同学等在ACS旗下的《The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters》期刊发表了题为《Solvent Water Controls Photocatalytic Methanol Reforming》的文章,通讯作者为王海丰老师,王雪璐老师和姚叶锋老师,发表日期为2020421日。(DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.0c00972

Understanding the role of different solvent molecules for practical solid-liquid heterogeneous photocatalytic reactions is critical to determine the pathway of the reaction. In this study, the operando nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) method, combined with density functional theory (DFT) calculations, was employed to evaluate the control effect of solvent water in the photocatalytic reforming mechanism of methanol with a Pt-TiO2 catalyst. Results indicate that the presence of water effectively promotes the formation of the HCHO intermediate but inhibits the H2 evolution originating from the switch of the hydrogen source of the H2 formation from CH3OH to H2O. As detected directly in the ab-initio molecular dynamics (AIMD), a small amount of H2O can dissociate and the evolved -OH species at Ti5c site can greatly reduces the C-H activation barrier of -CH3O, which contributes to the formation of oxidation products (e.g., HOCH2OH and CH3OCH2OH) on Pt-TiO2 surface.
